Sunday, December 04, 2005

Eat protein in moderation

The following is a warning from the American Diabetes Association, specifically for diabetics...

"Protein is found in both animal and plant foods. For healthy eating, it's best to get your protein from foods that are low in fat, calories, and cholesterol."
You don't need to read between the lines to see that:-
  • Although meats, eggs, milk, and cheese are high in protein, they are also high in the things we should avoid, viz. fat and cholesterol.
  • If you prefer to get your protein secondhand, use fish (good fish, not shellfish) in small portions and stay away from red meat.
  • You can get all your protein (firsthand) from legumes, grains, and vegetables. Nuts and seeds are rich sources of protein and good dietary fats. These foods have just the right balance of nutrients, specially prepared by nature for our bodies.
But if dead animal carcases, gutted, greased, and garnished, still hold some appeal, just be careful. That's it. Like the old and helpless parental advice, "If you can't be good, be careful."

But still consider what Einstein said, "The best thing that could ever happen to mankind is the graduation to a vegetarian diet."

That dude got a few things right.


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