Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Smart weight loss

It's not just the foods we eat that make us fat, it's the whole lifestyle. In case you never thought of it, here is the formula for getting (and staying) fat:

  1. Eat the wrong foods, e.g. high fat and low fiber foods

  2. Eat late at nights; after 7 p.m. or less than 3 or 4 hours before bedtime.

  3. Eat between regular meals, i.e. snack all you want.

  4. Eat your largest meal at supper, instead of at breakfast.

  5. Eat the wrong combination of foods, e.g. fruits and vegetables together at one meal. This will ferment, producing enough alcohol in your stomach for that "beer-belly" look.

  6. Don't exercise at least 3 or 4 times per week, every week, every month.

You don't even have to follow all these rules in order not to be able to see your toes by the time you are 45 years old. Just pick any one and, depending on your genetic proclivity, you could be well on your way to being the heavyweight in your neighborhood.

Hey, I'm so sorry to be telling you all this, when I don't make it a habit to do any of those things. But, that's what 65% of adults in America appear to be doing.

I really suggest you follow NONE of those instructions. If you need to lose weight, practice smart weight loss.


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