Thursday, December 01, 2005

Open Sesame Seeds Again!

In my last post I ranted about the adulteration of sesame seeds by the fast food chains. This time I tell you why Arby's dot the bun with sesame seeds. Sesame seed is good food...
  • Sesame seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids
  • They are high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements
  • Sesame seeds gives sexual vigor - and they won't make you go blind, as allegedly some popular sexual enhancers do
  • They are used to make tahini - a very healthy butter or margarine substitute
  • The practice of putting these seeds on bread goes way back to the time of the Egyptians
  • Sesame seeds have been used to help promote milk secretion in lactating moms
  • Sesame seeds is one of the highest plant sources of lecithin, an emulsifier which helps to keep the cholesterol in your blood dissolved.
So there are many reasons why the fast food makers tossed sesame seeds on the high cholesterol burgers they sell.

But the few seeds they put on these sickening foods are more of a decoration than anything else. They might as well paint those buns.

Here is healthy advice... stay away from the bait. A tiny dash of healthy sesame seeds is used just to give a perception of a healthy choice. Don't be tricked. You don't have to swallow a "whopper" of cholesterol, saturated fats, and fiberless carbohydrates in order to get a slim trace of healthy goodness.

Get some sesame seeds at your whole food store. Eat healthy. Live healthy. Live longer. And by the way...

Can anyone tell me where the phrase, "Open sesame" comes from?


At December 1, 2005 at 5:43 PM, Blogger UltimateWriter said...

Yes Sesame seed is good food. Is it true that eating sesame seeds before a urine test would yield a positive opium result?

At December 2, 2005 at 10:07 AM, Blogger HealthyChoice said...

I asked a doctor about testing positive for opium after eating sesame seeds. He has heard of it, but said he knew no documented cases.

He also questioned how much sesame seed would have to be ingested before this would result.


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