Monday, November 07, 2005

The reason behind the abs

I saw a guy awhile ago. I had taken a 10-minute stroll after lunch. [By the way, a leasurely walk after a meal helps your digestion.] Ok, so... That guy and I were walking the same trail around the park...

His tummy has gone south - he may not be able to see his toes without losing his balance! Poor guy... but he was doing the right thing before the wrong thing happens to him.

Now, most people I know say they want flat six-pack abs so they can look good (again). That gentleman at the park with the outward-southward-protrusion of his absolutely out-of-shape abs... that guy, he wants flat abs so he can run again.

So he can live normal again, so he can sit down and get up without a groan again, so he can lie...

...on his gut again.

OK.. BUT ON A SERIOUS NOTE: I do not have a habit of making fun at serious situations, but that guy seemed like a jolly, fairly-young (40-something) fellow. I don't think he'd mind my "American" sense of humor. The point I am making is a serious one:

We need to value exercise for more than just it's sculpting effects. For many of us, it means life itself. And when we look at it from that perspective, it makes it all the more enjoyable and fulfilling.

If you are exercising and crunching your way to find beautiful abs, think about the bigger reasons... the ones that ABSolutely make a healthier, happier you.

Ok, maybe you can meet me at my new place: - you don't have to have diabetes or flat abs to come. Don't show me your ABSence on this one... go there!


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