Friday, November 04, 2005

Muffin or granola?

Let's say it's about 9:00 AM and you find yourself at the office, having not had time for breakfast before you left home. (By the way, if this ever happened to you, you should not make a habit of this. Skipping breakfast is not a healthy choice at by any means.)

Now, the hunger is beginning to weigh in on your stomach, and you can only choose ONE of two things. (a) a cup of granola (made from oats, walnuts, almonds, honey, whole wheat flour, olive oil), and (b) a blueberry cup cake (or muffin made of white flour, sugar, bluberries), which would you choose? Both portions are of similar size.

Would you go for the granola? Yes! That's what I'd choose. It's the healthier choice. I must tell you though, I saw someone chose the muffin. Well, that cup of fiber would have kept me full til lunchtime whereas the muffin would speed through my system. Moreover, the granola is much more nutritious!

Small matter, eh? But it addsb up to the big choice we make for or against a healthy lifestyle. Let's choose health today, and visit my website - - to learn more about other healthy choices we all need to make everyday.


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