Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Look what they've done!

Look what they have done to the sesame seeds! Now, I know this picture makes some of you think I'm Pavlov, but this is grossly unhealthy! This is what I see with eyes that have been saved from diabetes:
  • Sesame seeds - rich in iron and other nutrients, AND zero cholesterol
  • Melted cholesterolized cheese that will inflame your sinuses, and make dangerous bacteria happy they have you as host
  • Rotten meat - yes, it could not fold so nicely if rigormortis was not complete, and it is packed with unnecessary, extra cholesterol as well (let's hope nothing else!)
  • White bread/bun! Oh my, they remove all the nutritious parts of the wheat and sell you the trash! That fiberless stuff will fix the colon for diverticulitis, soon.
And they sell you 4 of these for $5. So now...

Open YOUR eyes. Look at the drug maker 'round the corner smiling. He knows that with many people being on such a diet, he will continue to sell lots of synthetic medicines that will inflict more side effects. You will have to take his drugs later on if you want to continue breathing God's free air!

Okay. You have two choices: (a) Ignore what I said about the adulteration of the sesame seeds and enjoy your delicious poison, OR (b) Change your diet and choose to be healthy. It's your choice.

I chose the latter. Read my testimony. Health is not luck, friend... It's the choice you make.


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