Monday, December 12, 2005

Are Alzheimer's and Diabetes Twin Diseases?

Scientists are wondering...

Now, pardon me, but I have to vent my first thought before I digest the news. Does this mean more drugs, more of the same symptom-treating-prescriptions?

Could Alzheimer's and Diabetes share the same parents - poor lifestyle habits tipped over the edge by genetics? I wouldn't be too surprized.

Both diseases are a kind of starvation. Nutrients (glucose) cannot get into the cells. In Type 2 diabetes, the insulin receptor sites on the cells are blocked with fat cells. In Type 1 diabetes, the insulin manufacturing organ (pancreas) is vestigeal (or on a permanent vacation). And now, this new study cited by WebMD on, is saying,
"At the most advances stage of Alzheimer's, the study showed insulin receptors were 80 percent lower than in normal brain."
Cellular starvation? Still, I have read an encouraging report of one Alzheimer's patient who, prior to a diet and exercise program, could not even change her own clothes. After a few months on a good vegetarian diet and daily outdoor exercise (e.g. walking) program she was able to take care of herself.

I believe a good diet is medicinal and that the popular (and typical) American diet only tastes good. But that's another post. Let's wait and see if the right people with the health interests bigger than financial interest will fund more research on this Alzheimer's disease.

But maybe the pharmaceutical drug lords are already on the money with this one anyway.


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