Snacks and munches

I'm so thankful I discovered how puny the medically recommended diabetes diet is. Imagine, my dietician had me on 3 meals and 3 snacks per day. Most people would think that is good, but here's what I have found out.
- A typical meal takes about 4 hours before it passes through the stomach.
- The stomach, like all organs of the body, needs some time to rest between meals. Even your heart rests between beats. That's why the lower your regular heartbeat, the healthier your heart.
- Eating anything, snacking and munching, in less than 4 or 5 hours after a meal will slow your digestion of food. Researchers have found that up to 50% of your breakfast can remain in your stomach 13 hours after you eat it if you snack several times per day!
- Retaining food in our stomachs for extended periods of time not only brings indigestion, but causes weight gain (obesity) and other medical problems.
- To curb the need for snacking and munching between meals, eat high fiber carbohydrate meals, lots of fruit and vegetables at regular meal times.
- Only drink water between meals. Water has zero calories; it cleanses instead of fattens.
I am type 2 diabetic, but I amd off all medication, my blood sugar levels are all normal, AND I eat ONLY THREE meals a day, 5 to 6 hours apart, with ZERO snacks or munches in between. I drink only water, lots of it.
What do I do if I play a game ping pong (my favorite indoor pasttime nowadays) and I feel hungry? I eat a fruit or some raw vegetables.
If you are diabetic or overweight, or hypertensive, or have high cholesterol, there you go... that's the formula to normalize things again. I have done it, thank God! You can too. I provide much more explanation of these principles on my new website - You are welcome to take a look.
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