Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Commit to lose weight

Last night I heard a lady talking how she really need to lose some weight. Someone who has never had that need before cannot really understand how difficult that is.

From her explaination, I realized that it is easier to love food than to enjoy the disciplined daily exercise to shed the pounds.

What would make you really commit (and proceed) to lose weight?
  • Realizing that each pound of extra weight you lose adds years to your life?
  • The sense of fulfillment and satisfaction you get, realizing that you actually accomplished something personal and important?
  • The improved self-image, the pleasure of looking at the real you in your mirror and loving your image?
  • The inspiration you will become to your friends, family, and associates.
Hey, we're talking about great rewards here just for losing weight.

But the greatest reward is the extra lease on a great life that you get just by walking off those pounds. But one last thing...

Weight loss is a tricky thing. It's not easy. If it were, you wouldn't be overweight in the first place. Take your time, preserve yourself. Don't fall for fad diets, the weight will surely come back after the fad is gone. The best way to lose weight is...

A CHANGE OF LIFESTYLE. Check out my articles on weightloss for more information.


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