Monday, July 03, 2006

Physical Exercise Pays, Literally

Everyone knows that physical exercise pays healthy dividends. It improves cardiovascular functions, tones and strengthens muscles, elevates your sense of self, and increases longevity, among other things. But who would expect actual cash to be included in those "other things?"

You will lose weight when you exercise if your total energy intake (from the food you eat) is less than the total energy you expend. That's just the way it is... it's a law of science.

You will also lose water, so keep your body hydrated. As you lose body fat, your clothes will appear to be getting too big. That is natural. And those pockets that used to hold your change and your keys tightly between your pants and your skin won't hold on to their contents as well as before. So you could lose cash, keys, or anything else you carry in your pockets.

It happens folks! We found two one-dollar bills this morning on our exercise trail. Someobody is getting weight loss results, and I am being reminded that it pays to exercise. Now, what if the folks on my exercise trail were to play the game with Benjamin Franklin's instead of George Washington's? Then, for those of us who keep watching our steps, exercise would really pay.

Exercise pays. Whether or not you keep losing your cash and your weight on the same path is up to you. The health benefits you gain are priceless, anyway.

Personal Advice: Save your cash and take a walking vacation. Don't lose it on the exercise trail.


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