Thursday, December 22, 2005

Breathe fresh healthy air

It's 30°F outside and you have decided that this winter air is not for you. So you soon find yourself spending the better part of the winter months somewhat a prisoner of old man winter.

Suppose I tell you that you are not the only one who loves the warmth on the inside? Many airborne microbes do too!

During the colder months one of your healthiest decisions could be to breathe fresh healthy air. Everybody seems to get stuck inside.

Those who smoke at home, and clean with toxic chemicals add other contaminants to the air. There is also more demand for the air in your house at this time as well, since kids are on vacation, friends and family are visiting, and you may be thinking of not running your heating/air conditioning too much because the energy costs have doubled this year.

Well, so could your cost for family health care in the future.

Do like I do every now and then. Make sure you are wearing proper clothing and then just pop your head outside and grab a breath of fresh, healthy air. I even took my camera and caught a nice shot of our Georgia skyline.

Your lungs will love the taste of fresh life. Do it.


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