Sunday, December 18, 2005

Eating habits and pills

These statistics about eating habits are incredible. Look at this:Eat lots of fresh fruits
  • about 80% of Americans do not eat fruits or vegetables rich in carotenoids (an anti-oxidant)
  • some 84% of us do not eat high-fiber grain food, like whole wheat bread and cereal
  • 64% of adults 20 years and older are either overweight or obese
Yet we keep the nutritional supplement industries booming. Yes, we prefer to get our dietary fiber from a bottle (maybe in pill form, even) than from our bread, fruits, and vegetables.

I have never seen anything more effective in preventing constipation than water, high fiber foods, and an occasional walk in the park, and flax in worse case scenarios. Yet, Metamucil and MiraLax wear the plug-pulling crown on the market. Why?

Poor eating habits and pills... Is this a sign that we're over-sold on modern science and the medical technology and economy on which it sits?

If you ever see anyone on a high fiber diet, who gets adequate exercise, and water and suffers from constipation you have made a great discovery!


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