Sunday, January 01, 2006

Potato salad, ribs, and white bread

Look at this meal one of my friends had. Potato salad, ribs, and white bread, and "no one" from the vegetable salad family was invited to this dinner. That category was left behind.

How long would I last if I had something like this for lunch every day for one whole year? I imagine I'd have cholesterol deposits lining my arteries, and a pretty rough time when I go to the toilet, given all this low fiber stuff.

Does all this stuff taste good? I think so. And I bet this is the catch. This is what most people on this kind of diet fall for - the taste of the food.

Ahhh. But there is more to good food than taste. That's why I love the principle: Eat to live, don't just live to eat.

And what a big difference this rule can make in controlling our weight, overall health, and even our productivity. Eat to live, don't just live to eat.

Sounds like a good resolution to adopt for the New Year as well. May you prosper and be in good health throughout this year and always.


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