Monday, February 20, 2006

Pig Cells May Reverse Diabetes

OK, it's gross enough to wear spare parts taken from another human, but what do you think about having a part of a pig in your bowels?

Gross! Me? Not going there. I'd rather die a 100% human being.

Read the article for yourself:

I love the science. This is a novel idea, or breakthrough (if you want to call it that). But for me, that's just how far it goes. It can stay in the novel. It will be fictional data for me.

I expect the transplanted islets will behave just as they were designed - like pig's. Shouldn't be surprising either if the diabetics start being piggish after awhile!

Come on folks, we don't have to go down there. I have been holding my diabetes in retreat with anti-diabetes diet and exercise.

Let pigs be pigs and humans be human.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Vegetarian High Q

It is said that we are what we eat. That's not totally true, but I found this little tidbit interesting.

Research has shown that American children have an average I.Q. of 99. However, the average I.Q. of vegetarian American children is 116.
- John Robbins, M.D., The Food Revolution (Boston: Conari Press, 2001) 85

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What about this fat myth?

Newsweek Magazine is carrying this report on a fat study that scientists have been doing since the mid 1990's. They seem to be saying, "fat's OK".

But this might be confusing, so let me break it down. It doesn't matter what they may have found or didn't find, these principles are true.
  • Animal fat, saturated fat is bad for you.
  • Plant-based fats, e.g. olive oil and fats from flax, are better for you.
  • Use all foods, including fats, in moderation. Too much carb, protein can also make you fat.
  • Inactivity or lack of exercise can make you fat.
  • Snacking OR skipping breakfast will make you fat. This one is a shocker, but it is true.
I have been talking about the diet, the original diet that allows you to keep your healthy, natural size. I also found that God - from the beginning - recommended that fat be left out of the diet.

"Say to the Israelites: 'Do not eat any of the fat of cattle, sheep or goats. - Lev. 7:23

The proper amount of good fat is good, but the wrong type is a killer. Don't fall for the fat lies from the food industry. Choose health today.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Health is Everything!

If you follow the ads and fads of today, you might be led to think that being careful to exercise just a single healthy practice will guarantee your health.

Like those who feast on a single food item, or are on a special diet alone. No single practice can guarantee health.

If you eat right and don't exercise, you can ruin your health as a result.

If you exercise and don't get enough rest, you could suffer similar negative impact.

Those who combine healthy diets with hefty amounts of alcohol, or a habit of smoking can be digging their graves by a bad habit as well.

It seems reasonable to me, that while you cannot control everything that impacts your health, you should control everything you can.

I've learned that you can't buy this thing called health. And to me, health is everything!

Monday, February 06, 2006

My doctor just called

Have you ever been anxious about the result of a medical checkup? Well, I knew my glucose and cholesterol levels would be OK, but I wondered if my slightly elevated bp would make him prescribe more drugs.

Well, my doctor just called. No diabetes medications - I had stopped taking that since before June last year, anyway. Even though I did it without my doctor's consent, I do not advise anyone to follow my example.

I knew that the anti-diabetes diet works! Here is proof. It's nice to be "drug-free" and healthy.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Have a good heart this month

February already! And I was just thinking...

I've got to have a good heart this month. This means keeping up the exercise program and eating healthy.

That means different things to different people, but for me it is
  • walking or light aerobic activity for at least ½ hour every day
  • avoiding fatty and or processed foods - eating only good stuff
  • getting enough rest - sleep early wake early
  • enjoying the fresh air (even though it's cold outside)
  • drinking enough water - helps keep the blood thin, heart works less
  • avoiding alcohol and all harmful substances
  • take in the sunshine, and
  • believing that my Creator will help to keep things ticking
These principles are said to be the key to total health and happiness. February is the "love" month. If I don't love anyone else this month, I've got to love me. And I'll do it the healthy way!