Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Look what they've done!

Look what they have done to the sesame seeds! Now, I know this picture makes some of you think I'm Pavlov, but this is grossly unhealthy! This is what I see with eyes that have been saved from diabetes:
  • Sesame seeds - rich in iron and other nutrients, AND zero cholesterol
  • Melted cholesterolized cheese that will inflame your sinuses, and make dangerous bacteria happy they have you as host
  • Rotten meat - yes, it could not fold so nicely if rigormortis was not complete, and it is packed with unnecessary, extra cholesterol as well (let's hope nothing else!)
  • White bread/bun! Oh my, they remove all the nutritious parts of the wheat and sell you the trash! That fiberless stuff will fix the colon for diverticulitis, soon.
And they sell you 4 of these for $5. So now...

Open YOUR eyes. Look at the drug maker 'round the corner smiling. He knows that with many people being on such a diet, he will continue to sell lots of synthetic medicines that will inflict more side effects. You will have to take his drugs later on if you want to continue breathing God's free air!

Okay. You have two choices: (a) Ignore what I said about the adulteration of the sesame seeds and enjoy your delicious poison, OR (b) Change your diet and choose to be healthy. It's your choice.

I chose the latter. Read my testimony. Health is not luck, friend... It's the choice you make.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Another food pyramid?

I never meant to to be prophetic but the feeling was right on! Soon everyone would be coming up with a food pyramid, and here we go again...

University of Michigan has invented the "Healing Food Pyramid". It is elaborate - having about 10 levels!

The description of this pyramid is interactive. You can get a lot of information from it. As with the USDA's new food pyramid you don't need some items. They are there for the economics, not for health.

Check it out.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Fastfood calories

When most of the calories in your meal comes from fat, you are heading down a very greasy slope... that is, if you are not already in serious trouble!

I found a nice little resource that will help you check your caloric intake if you eat at any of the popular fast food places, such as KFC, McDonalds, Arby's, Burger King, Wendy's, and many more.count fastfood calories

You can check the total calories from fat (if you're diabetic), the sodium content (if you're hypertensive), or the cholesterol content (if you have coronary heart problems).

Just go to, select the options you need and click Search.

My advice would be to check your food content BEFORE you eat your health out! Don't wait until you are looking diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, or death in the face before you become concerned.

And if you have been unfortunate enough to have caused the undertaker to be wearing a smile, don't despair. You can delay his paycheck for many more years if you take the healthy advice I give on my new website. Drop by. I have done some deep research and you will find the information there invaluable.

Here is the URL:

Friday, November 25, 2005

I'm back... no pressure!

I've been away on vacation for 8 days. It was nice to feel the island sun again.

Here is a health nugget that just hit me as I did some reading this morning.
Americans eat 10 to 20 times more salt than they need. And they pay for it with high blood pressure, heart failure, and other problems related to fluid retention.
- Health Power, by Aileen Ludington & Hans Diehl

Diabetes and hypertension both result from the same lifestyle habits of improper dietary practices. If you have diabetes you should be especially careful of this increased health risk.

The good news is that both conditions are controlled and regulated by diet and exercise. Hop over to my new website and read about the Anti-diabetes Diet and Supplements for more information. Learn how you can take the pressure off your heart. It's the best way to really love yourself.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Does sugar or fat cause diabetes?

In experiments conducted at the University of Kentucky and elsewhere, a group of lean and healthy young men were put on a "rich 65% fat diet" while another group was given a 10% fat diet together with one pound of sugar per day.

In two weeks, the first group developed diabetes, but after eleven weeks none of the members of the second group showed any signs of the disease.

So now we know what is in those big whoppers and double whatever - diabetes! It underscores reason why it is important to be on a weight-controlling lifestyle. I continue to describe such a program/lifestyle at my new website. Check it out.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Time and health are parallel

Have you ever noticed how children look at time. They don't need to make haste to do something before they're unable, nor do they have to "watch the clock." I find, many adults are just the same regarding their health. Check this out...

When I was a child I laughed and wept - time crept.
When as a youth I dreamed and talked - time walked.
When I became a full-grown man - time ran.
And later as older I grew - time flew.
Soon I shall find while traveling on - time gone!
- Author Unknown.
We think we will never be affected by our health choices. There's no need to stop eating this, I can't give up this, I don't need to exercise that regularly, and on, and on.


You're on your back admiring the playful scratch marks the architect left on the ceiling of your expensive hospital room.

Time gone!

Choose health today. Please visit my new website; I am adding articles daily.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Who ever heard of a sprint marathon?

Ok, the title of this entry is a pertinent misnomer, so here we go...

If you live long enough you should have noticed by now that most of the nice tasting things are not good for your health. Cola drinks, candy bars, and spicy, highly seasoned foods are just a few.

Until we find that one of today's killer diseases (diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, etc) takes residence in our lives we persist in carrying our hope for health and longevity and our careless eating habits in the same basket.

You cannot have it both ways. Ignoring healthy lifestyle practices AND living life just for the fun of it don't co-exist for long. If you know you have predisposition to diabetes, for example, stop courting it!

None of us has a guarantee on longevity, but we need to purposefully avoid unhealthy eating habits, however tasty or popular the stuff is. It's not encouraging to me to continue ignoring "cause and effect" when I learn of the deaths of two Mcdonald's Corporation CEO's in quick succession. Jim Cantalupo, 60, died in April 2004 of a heart attack, and then his successor Charlie Bell, 44, of colorectal cancer in January 2005.

None of us can say the whoppers may have whopped, but studies after studies prove that fast foods and those life-terminating conditions go hand in hand.

If you are eating for the nice taste alone you are like a sprinter. Statistically, you enjoy life for ten seconds. If you are eating (primarily) to live and only eat what's good and healthy (including copius amounts of fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables), you are a marathoner. You are in the race for the long haul.

Longevity is not guaranteed in either case, but the odds are better that you will make it like an Okinawan, a Sardinian, or a Loma Linda Seventh-day Adventist. The good thing about the lifestyles and eating habits of these people (said to be the healthiest and live the longest) is that they mostly go to hospitals to visit others. They seldom get sick. They run the race to the finish, mostly without retiring hurt. And they prove that...

...there's no such thing as a sprint marathon in life's race. Are you going for the marathon, or the sprint?

Friday, November 11, 2005

No veg?

Our company celebrated an anniversary today. We had a "party" of sorts to mark the occasion. Here come the caterers, and I began to think...
Where is the vegetable that's supposed to be on the menu? The ribs have come. There is white bread over there, there is the extra source of cholesterol you don't need, spices for further aggravation of your arthritis, enough salt to push up your blood pressure a few points so your doctor can prescribe more medication. Where is the veg?
Sorry, who wants string beans and spinach between their teeth while they're at work? It's better to get some fat and grease so we can use up our insurance and retire early...

Sorry folks. I know what it is to be sick. I've gotta eat to live.

Excuse me while I be unpopular and healthy at the same time. Strictly vegetarian cuisine for me, please.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Because I fired my cow...

I'm unpopular today, I know that for sure. Yesterday, I blasted the age-old institution of "drinking milk."

I expect some friends might soon tell me I will be banned from going to the promised land where all the "milk and honey flow". But it just makes sense to me, we're to feed from our own breasts.

If you check out the nutritional specs (constituents) of my nuts, fruits, and vegetables, you will see why we can send all the cows to India.

I don't drink cows milk! I fired my cow.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's time you weaned yourself

Don't you think this strange? You were born with a little calf muscle and you grew on "someone" else's milk until now you are big.
Don't you think it is past time you weaned yourself from bovine dependence?

Are we the only species that give our young milk from another species? Tell me of any cow trying to pull the reverse stunt on mama! It's time you weaned yourself.

I'm serious... who needs cow's milk? ANS: The calf. Who needs mama's milk? ANS: Mama's baby.

That's the way I see it. If you don't, you may have had moo-o-o too much milk, or you are udderly blind. Don't you see that the longest livers, the healthiest people on the face of the earth live mostly on a plant-based diet.

Why did the USDA feature milk so prominently on their recommended diet? They include milk in the new food pyramid for economic reasons; not for your health. Moooooo!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

No need to run...

Did you see that lady running along the sidewalk this morning with the pain on her face? That was unnecessary. It wasn't a marathon, and no one was chasing her!

Plain old simple exercise. That's all.

Well, yesterday it was the large guy at the park, today I am attacking the "running" lady. I passed her on the road as I drove to work this morning... she was grimacing. I would have stopped for her if my truck was an ambulance. Whew!!

I was told that the cheetah, the horse, dogs, and other animals were made to run - they all have bowed legs. As humans, we don't usually have bow legs.

This means we suffer more from the shock to our joints while we run. Legs that are bow-shaped appear to be better shock absorbers, they say.

In college, my doctor recommended that I trained only on grass turf because the paved surfaces were too shocking to my knees. Back then, I used to run distance (1500m, cross-country). Today I run in my mind, and I win every time. You wouldn't believe how fit my imagination is!!

However, if you are trying to lose weight, lower your cholesterol, reverse or control your diabetes, or get rid of an arthritic condition... walk. You don't need to run.

It's not the speed that will get you there... it's the tortoise effort. Never give up. Just keep on doing it. No Nike boots, no speed, just an aerobic walk everyday.

Maybe that lady should read this. She could also visit my new place on the web:

I'll be saying much more about walking back to health later. You could walk across there too. Don't run... just click.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The reason behind the abs

I saw a guy awhile ago. I had taken a 10-minute stroll after lunch. [By the way, a leasurely walk after a meal helps your digestion.] Ok, so... That guy and I were walking the same trail around the park...

His tummy has gone south - he may not be able to see his toes without losing his balance! Poor guy... but he was doing the right thing before the wrong thing happens to him.

Now, most people I know say they want flat six-pack abs so they can look good (again). That gentleman at the park with the outward-southward-protrusion of his absolutely out-of-shape abs... that guy, he wants flat abs so he can run again.

So he can live normal again, so he can sit down and get up without a groan again, so he can lie...

...on his gut again.

OK.. BUT ON A SERIOUS NOTE: I do not have a habit of making fun at serious situations, but that guy seemed like a jolly, fairly-young (40-something) fellow. I don't think he'd mind my "American" sense of humor. The point I am making is a serious one:

We need to value exercise for more than just it's sculpting effects. For many of us, it means life itself. And when we look at it from that perspective, it makes it all the more enjoyable and fulfilling.

If you are exercising and crunching your way to find beautiful abs, think about the bigger reasons... the ones that ABSolutely make a healthier, happier you.

Ok, maybe you can meet me at my new place: - you don't have to have diabetes or flat abs to come. Don't show me your ABSence on this one... go there!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Can't keep my mouth shut

Hey, I can't keep my mouth shut anymore. I've got to tell everybody.

Maybe you don't understand. Let me tell you...

You would be blabbing and blogging if your doctor had told you you would "always be a diabetic AND you will just have to work with the program," but you later find out you can INDEED get your pancreas to remember how it used to do things 20+ years ago!

I'm gonna keep on shouting... I even registered a new domain name. I'll be screaming some more on the Net. Gotta tell everyone; non-diabetic, pre-diabetic, even those who are "too diabetic" that they think you must have to shoot insulin and do metformin every day.

Hey, learn about the program:
I am proof!
I am gone...
See ya later.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Muffin or granola?

Let's say it's about 9:00 AM and you find yourself at the office, having not had time for breakfast before you left home. (By the way, if this ever happened to you, you should not make a habit of this. Skipping breakfast is not a healthy choice at by any means.)

Now, the hunger is beginning to weigh in on your stomach, and you can only choose ONE of two things. (a) a cup of granola (made from oats, walnuts, almonds, honey, whole wheat flour, olive oil), and (b) a blueberry cup cake (or muffin made of white flour, sugar, bluberries), which would you choose? Both portions are of similar size.

Would you go for the granola? Yes! That's what I'd choose. It's the healthier choice. I must tell you though, I saw someone chose the muffin. Well, that cup of fiber would have kept me full til lunchtime whereas the muffin would speed through my system. Moreover, the granola is much more nutritious!

Small matter, eh? But it addsb up to the big choice we make for or against a healthy lifestyle. Let's choose health today, and visit my website - - to learn more about other healthy choices we all need to make everyday.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Ever been afraid of your medical result?

No? Well, I bet you're under 20 or you're just too lucky!

If you know what it is to dread getting a call from your doctor about a medical examination then you may have heard the "happy birthday" song thirty times or more. You're old... enough.

To a certain extent, diabetics go through the same I-hope-it's-not-high-again kinda stress everyday... some several times a day. I know I did. When you struggle to keep this disease in check and everything you do seems to have a "greater than zero" effect on your previous glucose level, then it's like torment waiting for your meter to show you how bad you are again every time you test.glucose meters

For me, it was depressing!

If you are afraid to hear what your blood glucose meter has to say to you (or show you) any time, if you are tormented by the thought of knowing what your blood cholesterol level is, if measuring your blood pressure is too much pressure then you've got to do what I have been doing.

I have chosen to be healthy again. Now, even my glucose meters are agreeing with each other... every time! It's the work of diet, exercise, and faith. Try it.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Do you know what 105 means?

Do you know what 105 means to a diabetic? Well, maybe if you are a type 1 or a type 2...

Or maybe if you are a care giver to to someone who has diabetes, then you may really know what it means.

But I am not questioning whether or not you know that it is actually saying your blood glucose concentration is 105 mg/dl.

This is what it means to me:

It means that the medical professionals and drug makers and their researchers are not always correct. Why?

My doctor told me about 5 months ago that I would have to take medication, and prescribed Fortamet for me. When I asked why can't I be allowed to try diet and exercise for a little while longer, I was told, "You will always be diabetic, and you've just got to go with the program." But that's not what the health message said.

I defied my doctor, I trashed the Fortamet, I scrapped the 6 or 7 snacks per day and substituted with three meals of high fiber, high carbohydrate, low fat diet, ALONG WITH regular exercise, and a few herbs.

Now I can't take the herbs any more - they lower my glucose too much! I just eat a huge breakfast, a medium lunch, and a small supper, and that's it.

I couldn't believe my glucose meter, so I started testing with two different ones now. They corroborate. You could call me diabetic; I don't care. But if you are not diabetic, your blood glucose level better be 105 mg/dl two hours after you eat a breakfast like mine:

1 cup of cooked brown rice, string beans, large serving vegetable salad, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 3 vege tender rounds, small serving of tofu, a handful of pumpkin seeds, and two tablespoons of ground flax seed.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Power of Diet & Exercise

According to my medical profile, I am diabetic. My doctor expects me to be on Fortamet - the thing that made me the most frequent visitor to the waste room!

Now this is my daily medicine:

(1) Wake at 5 a.m. - fasting glucose = 82 mg/dl
(2) Exercise (Brisk walk and stretches) for ½ hour to 1 hour
(3) Blood glucose reading after exercise = 78 mg/dl
(4) Breakfast (high carbohydrate, high fiber, low fat meal) at 6:30 a.m.
(5) Post prandial glucose (2 hrs) = 97 mg/dl
(6) Blood glucose reading immediately before lunch = 85 mg/dl
(7) Blood glucose reading 2 hrs after bunch = 105 mg/dl

Three healthy meals per day without any snacking! I eat foods that heal, not hurt. It's great! That "special" ADA diet was about to kill me. Hey, now I really enjoy eating.

The part of the equation I haven't told you about is this: I go to bed between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. each night. That is why I can spring out of bed at 4 or 5 o'clock and exercise for an hour.

It is amazing what a change in lifestyle can do for you.