Sunday, October 30, 2005

Oh, what nice food!

We had one of the healthiest breakfast this morning. It was total vegetarian, of course. Picture waffle with homemade blackberry syrup, scrambled tofu, healthy and wholesome wholeweat bread, banana, grapefruit, pear, a dash of pumpkin seeds for a great supply of omega-3 fatty acids.

Then we went for a stroll. Two hours later my glucose level was 103 mg/dl. If you have diabetes, you can conquer the "beast" in dia-beast-es. Don't let this condition spoil your feast.

Send me a note at healthychoice at bellsouth dot net (written this way to avoid spam) and I'll let you know about the Health by Choice plan.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Wanna live healthier & longer?

Live healthier and longer
Check out this video clip seen recently on ABC television... Just backs up what we've been saying here in this blog.

This video clip on longevity opens in a new window.
Like the Okinawans in Japan and the Seventh-day Adventists who strictly practice what they believe, you can live healthier and longer.

NOTE:If you are unable to watch the video, it may be because you do not have QuickTime media player installed on your computer. Here is the link to get it (it's free, from Apple Computer):
Quicktime for Windows
Quicktime for Mac

Friday, October 28, 2005

Flaxing your muscles

Do you use flax in your diet? Here are some things about flax:

- Bakers are now using more flax products in bread making nowadays.
- Use of flax seed in your diet can lower cholesterol.
- Flax seed has very low saturated fat content.
- Oil made from flax seed is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Use a couple table spoonfuls of flax seed ground in a coffee grinder on your cereal. It makes for a very smooth disposal process. You get a healthy colon too!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Are you skidding to your health?

"Get rich quick" and "get well quick" are siblings born from the same parent - instant gratification. Oh how tempting is the desire to reverse all our lifestyle illnesses with a pill, or the whisk of a surgeon's knife! It's almost like we expect technology to solve all our problems even before we understand them.

I'm talking about things like fat-burning drugs and gastric bypass surgery. Everybody does not need these quick fixes, and only time will show the scars like skid marks on the speedway we want to take to regain our health.

Lose weight the natural way... proper diet and exercise. It works, without side effects.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Let phytochemicals fight for you

We now know that photochemicals have cancer-protective properties. What foods have these substances that help you fight against lifestyle diseases?

Here is a list; some of which you may have frowned upon before.

• garlic

• soybeans, e.g. tofu

• cabbage

• ginger

• licorice root

• carrots

• celery

• coriander

• parsley

• parsnips

Have you got a fighting chance against cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and other common lifestyle illnesses? The answer may just be in your diet.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Smart weight loss

It's not just the foods we eat that make us fat, it's the whole lifestyle. In case you never thought of it, here is the formula for getting (and staying) fat:

  1. Eat the wrong foods, e.g. high fat and low fiber foods

  2. Eat late at nights; after 7 p.m. or less than 3 or 4 hours before bedtime.

  3. Eat between regular meals, i.e. snack all you want.

  4. Eat your largest meal at supper, instead of at breakfast.

  5. Eat the wrong combination of foods, e.g. fruits and vegetables together at one meal. This will ferment, producing enough alcohol in your stomach for that "beer-belly" look.

  6. Don't exercise at least 3 or 4 times per week, every week, every month.

You don't even have to follow all these rules in order not to be able to see your toes by the time you are 45 years old. Just pick any one and, depending on your genetic proclivity, you could be well on your way to being the heavyweight in your neighborhood.

Hey, I'm so sorry to be telling you all this, when I don't make it a habit to do any of those things. But, that's what 65% of adults in America appear to be doing.

I really suggest you follow NONE of those instructions. If you need to lose weight, practice smart weight loss.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Kill the disease - hurt the business!

The more patients your doctor sees (or treats) the more money s/he makes. Most diabetics have to have quarterly checkups, hence more routine dollars for the healthcare provider.

If every type 2 diabetic does as I have done (Watch out for my new book; coming soon!), and have their medications reduced or discontinued, would our doctors like that? Would we hear the diabetes supply manufacturers applauding? I think not!

It's my opinion that
"If you kill the disease, you hurt the business economically."
...and everyone knows that!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Did I "catch" a cold?

Went walking early this morning and had an hour of real aeorbic revival. It was cold though, and I did not return to get a pair of gloves. I think I may suffer for it, because now I feel like I want to sneeze!

Don't do as I do. You've got to be properly clad for the weather when you exercise. It's falling into winter now and we've got to avoid the extreme temperatures. But I'll never quit my exercise program - even if I have to do it indoors!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Exercise is powerful

As the saying goes, "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." When it comes to your muscles, both voluntary and involuntary, they can really get out of shape and efficiency when they are not used.

"Exercise tones and strengthens every organ and system of your body." - Family Medical Guide to Health and Fitness, Vol. 1, p. 47
Using your arms and legs will help to strengthen your heart! That's amazing!

If you've been procrastinating, do something now. Start small, and be consistent. There is more benefit from daily exercise than looking good. You're feel good too, and live longer.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Exercise Your Cells

Aerobic exercise affects your body down to the cellular level. It stimulates growth of more of those tiny blood vessels thus increasing circulation to all parts of the body.

It has occurred to me that since I so much enjoy efficiency - in a car and a computer, for example - I have to make sure my body runs efficiently too. Therefore...

I have decided to exercise my right to adequate daily physical exercise! I walk everyday. How about you?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I know I will not live on this earth forever. Where longevity is concerned, my aim is to have a very long, productive, and healthy ride without ever having the need to stop at the hospital...

Of course, it partly depends on the health choices I make.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Have a healthy laugh

A co-worker sent this to me. Seriously, I really laughed. You'll see the irony...
Only in people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. Only in drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
I would add...

Only in America do we have more fitness centers, more medicines, more medical knowledge, and yet more than 64% of adults 20 and over are overweight (according to the National Center for Health Statistics)... and we haven't counted the overweight kids yet!

My eight tips about diet and weight control are no laughing matter though. They could save your life. You should go and read them... seriously.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Do you need inspiration?

If you are normal enough to be needing the inspiration to lose weight, exercise, or other energy mustering activity, consider this thought:
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. -- Frank Tibolt
This is true. When you reach the stage where missing your daily exercise brings a feeling of regret, you know what Tibolt meant.

Choose to do something healthy for yourself today!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Exercise, diet, and fat!

Today more Americans are exercising, and more of us are dieting. So why is it that a miserable 65% of us are overweight?

There is a fitness center everywhere. Almost everyone knows that diet is important, yet we are still fat. Oh my, something is out of whack here...

Here are a few sure shot lifestyle practices that are guaranteed to let you keep your ideal weight:

  • Walk for ONE hour each day. I'm serious! I do it. Start at 5 a.m.

  • Eat your largest meal at breakfast & smallest for supper

  • Don't snack on anything during the day - except water

  • Eat several servings of fruits and vegetables daily

  • Eat only complex carbohydrates and foods high in fiber

  • Get enough sleep - especially early at nights. This is important!

If that's too hard, then WEIGHT awhile...

Have you considered the difficulties of hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and the cost of carrying your (over)weight around?

Read my article on diet and weight control for much more insight on this topic.

Friday, October 14, 2005

What's the remedy for anger?

This morning my blood glucose level was normal. So has been my blood pressure, my cholesterol level - actually I have no complaints. But I was angry!

Imagine an affiliate reviewer of my website said I needed to change my content. What else can I say. Well, I did it! Now the burning in my chest has gone.

I think I really cooled off when I started to think how lucky I have been. Yes, I have really seen and experienced the benefits of a proper diet and exercise program. It's a good feeling when you choose the course of your health.

So this is a good day. I'm not angry anymore, I feel no pains, and I choose to keep it that way. Hey, how about you looking at some of the changes I made at my website? See ya later!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lose Weight Effectively & Permanently

You cannot lose weight effectly on diet alone. Why? Do those "lose weight fast" programs work? What about diet pills?

My research tells me this:
(a) Reducing your usual number of calories will make you lose weight, but...
(b) No one ever plans to stay on a reduced (low calorie) intake for the rest of their lives
(c) Not only do most people revert to what they were used to, but the body will naturally begin to resist the change, and it becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight. When the body adjusts to the low calorie diet you can only lose more weight by physical exercise
(d) When you're on a low calorie intake, your body not only burns fat but active tissue as well, and this has two serious implications
(e) Losing active tissue means reduction in muscle mass, which means reduction in your body's capacity to burn fuel - you have less active muscle!
(f) Also, less active tissue means your body will not be as attractive as it should be - you lose some of your curves.

So how do you solve that problem? How do you lose weight effectively and ermantly? Combine diet and exercise. But wait...

What kind of weight loss diet gives you the results you need? A high carbohydrate, high fiber, low fat diet.

You can learn more about these interesting topics at And let me hear from you. Leave your comments on my blog.
Your health is your choice!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Low carb & high cholesterol

It was shocking to me to find out that many of the so-called "low carb" foods are the highest sources of cholesterol. I found this out from a set of medical encyclopedia I bought recently.

The way that some people try to lose weight is not worth it. Being overweight is enough illness already. Who wants to take drugs or be on a special diet that gives you more problems? Not me. But some people don't care, they just want the quick fix. I think Dr. Eckel, professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, put it best in his comment about the Atkin's diet:

He said, "I would be worried about someone eating a lot of bacon and eggs to lose weight. What about heart disease? Cancer? Diabetes?" Something to think about, eh? I have a lot to say about this and other lifestyle health issues. I hope you read some of my articles at